DNA – Daily Nutrition Allowance

“I am a firm believer that one should eat everything they enjoy in moderation. Since the way a person eats is very much habitual, it is essential to provide a framework for how they should be eating based on their individual lifestyle.  By doing this, they will be able to achieve any health or weight loss goals they set out to achieve, without making them feel that they are following a rigid and regimented eating plan. Since no one plan is ideal for everyone, each client’s eating plan is varied according to their individual habits and nutritional requirements. In saying that, I believe that there is a lack in knowledge of how people should be feeding and nourishing their bodies, so it is imperative that people are educated on how to correctly nourish their bodies, and in turn establish a healthy eating regime.

I certainly appreciate that weight loss is not an easy process, and that habitual change does not happen overnight. As a result, I have designed my eating plans in such a way that they are very easy and simple to follow.

Monique Etkind | Dietitian & Nutritionist

BSc (Nutrition) HONS Dietetics, Sydney University, 2005. DAA 04-310

The Daily Nutritious Allowance (DNA) is based on daily allowances described in terms of combinations of carbohydrate and protein foods, with the additions of moderate amounts of fat. A directive sample plan is drawn up according to each client’s preferences, making it very easy to follow. As well as this, extensive portion lists of each food group are provided, making it simple to vary meals according to what is either available to eat or what their preference is at any given meal. The flexibility in choice allows the plan to be integrated into their lifestyle without feeling a dramatic change. Ultimately the way they lose weight will be how they maintain their weight as no food is ever restricted.

– Monique Etkind



“The Daily Nutritious Allowance (DNA) is based on daily allowances described in terms of combinations of carbohydrate and protein foods, with the additions of moderate amounts of fat. Once we have your details uploaded to your ME for Me app a meal plan is drawn up according to your preferences, making it very easy to follow. As well as this, extensive portion lists of each food group are provided, making it simple to vary meals according to what is either available to eat or what your preference is at any given meal. The flexibility in choice allows the plan to be integrated into your lifestyle without feeling a dramatic change. Ultimately the way you lose weight will be how you maintain your  weight as no food is ever restricted. ” Monique Etkind

Example of the DNA you will receive may look like this



There is no denying you cannot control much in life, but what we can control is what we put into our mouths. By educating clients and providing the knowledge of what they should be eating, they are given the most effective tools to implement the correct choices. I have come to the realisation that when you make more nutritious choices, and eat clean, you have a clearer mind and are subsequently more capable to cope with anything that comes your way. Having a directive plan that maps out what you should be eating, provides you with the control over what you eat at each meal as you can now make an educated decision. Each individualised plan empowers the individual by giving them the feeling that they are in control of their food choices and have a clear understanding over their food selection whether it be at home, take aways or out at a restaurant. The control factor helps a person to reduce any anxiety that they may have around food.


Fuelling our bodies with nutrient rich foods is so important for weight goals and one’s overall optimal health. My plans ensure each client receives the correct amount of micro and macro nutrients needed for them to function efficiently and subsequently achieve their health goals. Obviously, this needs to be maintainable, so we will meet these requirements according to my clients’ preferences. I will always encourage the less processed and fresher options, but at the same time my plans will always be suited to the individuals likes as it is vital they enjoy their food and feel comfortable with their choices. The important thing is that they are now aware of which foods are better for them when selecting carbohydrates and proteins at each of their meals.


The most effective way of maintaining a healthy weight or achieving weight goals is very much owing to food preparation. Prepping forms the foundation of any healthy eating regime and ensures that a healthy lifestyle can be maintained for the long term. My plans make it easy for my clients to food prep as it provides them with a clear shopping list making it easy to fill their fridges and pantries with all the right products. People often fall short when they get home and are too tired to make a nutrient rich meal so will often just grab the easiest thing to prepare, which more often than not is a processed, high carb and high fat food. So if the fridge and pantry are well stocked, and all the fresh ingredients are ready to go, we can successfully put the healthy fresh meal on their plan together in no time at all.


Most people who struggle with their weight have what I call a ‘diet’ mind. They describe their days as good or bad based on how they eat on that day. They generally believe that if they eat junk food at one meal then the rest of the day is a write off and they tend to choose poor nutritious foods for the remainder of the day. If there is one thing my plans try to show my clients is that one poorly nutritious meal or snack should not dictate the remainder of their day, as this all or nothing attitude can prove to be dangerous in their eating journey. Their day can easily be turned around by choosing a more nutritious meal or snack at their next mealtime. Each client’s plan allows them to integrate those “naughty” foods into their daily diets, so that they don’t feel the need to “cheat” or “binge” and at the same time allows them to see it as a normal occurrence to eat those foods occasionally. I emphasise and teach my clients that following any plan does not make them invincible from falling off the horse. They need to be equipped to jump straight back on in the instance they fall off. People need to be reminded that a healthy eating regime should include all the foods that they enjoy.